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Award Winning

2017 Award for Beyond Gatlin

Beyond Gatlin: A History of South Orange County

Proud recipient of the Pine Castle Historical Society


Beyond Gatlin: A History of South Orange County


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238 Pages and 97 Exhibits

“Between two beautiful lakes and projecting into a third,” central Florida’s Fort Gatlin, established in 1838, became the hub for the earliest settlements south of Orlando.

BEYOND GATLIN is the story of true-life courageous pioneers, hardy men and women who endured an endless barrage of challenges to establish 19th century settlements Kissimmee, Shingle Creek, Pine Castle, Mackinnon, Troy, Gatlin, Conway, Campbell City, Runnymede, and 20th century communities Taft, Prosper Colony, Edgewood, and Belle Isle. Beyond Gatlin also goes in search of the real Fort Davenport, the ridge of Oaks, and more. 97 Exhibits and an extensive bibliography support this first-ever history of how South Orange County and Osceola County came to be.

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